Thursday, February 25, 2021

4 Star Review for Journaling Every Week!


Hi everyone,

I’m pleased to share a new 4 star review for my non-fiction journaling guide, Journaling Every Week – 52 Topics to Get You Writing.

Long and Short reviews gave the book 4 stars! Here’s an excerpt from the Amazon review:

“Good Reading! If you need inspiration, look no further.

I liked the fact that the topic of every tenth week was left up to the reader to choose for themselves. They gave me a few ideas to play around with, but I was free to come up with something else instead if I preferred. This was an excellent chance to expound on previous journal entries or talk about subjects that weren’t included in the official list. There is definitely something to be said for giving people space to personalize their journals like that.

I did appreciate how thorough the majority of the prompts were. For example, the ones that asked about the reader’s childhood were curious about happy memories as well as difficult ones. It was up to the reader to decide if they wanted to explore potentially traumatic moments in their earliest memories or if they wanted to stick to lighthearted topics. I thought that was a wonderful way to account for the wide variety of experiences many adults had during their childhood years.

Journaling Every Week – 52 Topics to Get You Writing was a thought-provoking resource to help get those creative juices flowing.”

Let’s face it, life has been rough lately, and a lot of people are turning to journaling to vent their fears, frustrations, and get in touch with their feelings. Journaling is a useful tool for self-discovery. In your journal, you can explore a wide range of subjects, themes, and ideas, revisit the past, and vent about anything (or anyone). In a way, you play counselor to yourself by digging deep into your innermost thoughts and emotions and writing about how you feel.

Whether you are experienced in journaling or completely new to the process, this book is designed to get you thinking about—and writing about—your life, relationships, patterns, goals, and some of your fondest memories. You’ll benefit from writing about these thought-provoking prompts and learn something about yourself along the way.

On a personal note, I took a journaling class many years ago, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that journaling helped me immensely. I learned a lot about myself and examined how I dealt with stress, work challenges, difficult people, and everyday life situations. I hope this book will help you in some way—by recalling your favorite childhood memories, exploring your goals, or just writing about the changes in your life.

Journaling Every Week makes a great gift for yourself or someone you care about. Order it today and start your journaling adventure!

Read more about the book here:

Order your copy here:


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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why are vampires sexy? Find out here!


Welcome to February! 

It’s Women-in-Horror month, and recently I was interviewed for an article on “what makes vampires sexy?” It’s a good Valentine’s Day/horror crossover, don’t you think?

Here’s the link to the article:

What are your opinions of sexy vampires? Of paranormal romances? Who is your all-time favorite vampire? Write to me on social media and share your thoughts.

If you love horror, be sure to visit my Facebook Horror page:

And don’t forget to check out the horror section of my site: to read about my horror ebooks, sci-fi stories, and more!

If you’re looking for some hot romances to get you ready for Valentine’s Day, you’ll find just what you need in the romance section of my site:

Until next time,


Monday, February 1, 2021

Kelli’s Quill Newsletter - Welcome 2021 Issue


Happy February!

Well, 2020 is over. It certainly was a long (and challenging) 12 months, and we’re all hoping for a better 2021. I’ve been pretty busy, and this issue of the Quill has something for everyone.

Readers: I’m sharing news about my latest non-fiction release, Journaling Every Week, and recapping my 2020 publications.

Writers: Are you ready to write in 2021? Then take a look at my writing ebook (and be sure to read about Journaling Every Week, too!).

Let’s get started…

2020 RECAP

In December 2020, Kelli’s short horror story “A Witch’s Wishes” was included in the Nothing Ever Happens in Fox Hollow Vol. 1 anthology. Nothing ever happens in Fox Hollow. There is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary going on in this perfect little town… unless you believe the rumors of witches, malevolent spirits, and tentacled creatures… Order a paperback or ebook copy here:

In October 2020, Kelli had horror stories published in two anthologies. “The Uninvited” appeared in Halloween Horror Vol. 2. This unsettling tale of a children's Halloween party gone horribly wrong is one of her favorites. Order Halloween Horror Vol. 2 in ebook or paperback formats here:

“What the Peeper Saw” was included in the Madame Gray's Creep Show anthology. This eclectic collection of twenty-three tales of terror and gallows humor is available in paperback and ebook formats here:

DID YOU KNOW…  That February is “Women in Horror” month? If you love horror, follow Kelli’s Facebook Horror page:

And don’t forget to check out the horror section of her site: to read about her horror ebooks, sci fi stories, and more!

In early 2020, Kelli published Love, Lies & Redemption, a western romance set in 1877 Nebraska. This novel blends a sensual love story with mystery and danger. Here’s the summary:


Love, Lies and Redemption

Shot and left for dead, Sam Hixton stumbles into a general store on the Nebraska prairie and collapses into the arms of Cassie Wilcox.

Cassie’s world is turned upside down when the handsome stranger drops into her life. Sam is another complication she doesn’t need: her business is dying and her trouble with the townspeople is escalating. Yet she’s determined to keep the store open — no matter what the cost.

As Sam recovers from his injuries, he hides the truth about his identity and convinces Cassie to let him work in the store. He’s attracted to her and admires her independent nature, but quickly realizes Cassie’s in way over her head. They fight their growing attraction, and Cassie questions whether she can trust her fragile heart to a mysterious stranger. Will he accept her once he knows about her troubled past?

Cassie resists Sam’s advances and represses her feelings until one fateful night when they give in to their fiery passion. Together, they work out a plan to save the store, but find their efforts are thwarted — and their lives endangered — by the locals.

Sam’s secret returns to haunt him and pulls him away just when Cassie needs him the most. Will he regain her trust when she learns the truth?

Cassie has everything invested in the store — can she save it and find true love with Sam before it’s too late?

Read more about the book here:


WANT MORE ROMANCE? Why not make 2021 a year of romance? How? With

Romance Every Weekend: 104 Fun Ways to Express Your Love

Whether you’re just starting out dating, in a committed relationship, newlyweds, or you’ve been married for twenty years, Romance Every Weekend will show you how you can strengthen the bond between you and your loved one and deepen your relationship.

Romance shouldn’t be reserved for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, or an anniversary. Why should people wait for a special occasion to show someone they love that they care? Love can (and should) be expressed every chance you get.

Romance Every Weekend features 104 fun and easy ways you can express your love to that special someone in your life. Perfect for men or women, it focuses on tender, everyday gestures that let your partner know how much you love him or her.

If you're looking for ways to keep your romance fresh, this is the book for you!

Romance Every Weekend makes a great gift for you – or for your sweetie! Why not order it now and try all 104 suggestions in 2021?

Get your copy here:


All other Platforms:

See all of Kelli’s romances here:



Journaling Every Week: 52 Topics to Get You Writing

Whether you are experienced in journaling or completely new to the process, Journaling Every Week is designed to get you thinking about—and writing about—your life, relationships, patterns, goals, and some of your fondest memories. You’ll benefit from writing about these thought-provoking prompts and learn something about yourself along the way.


This fun and innovative book is filled with hundreds of journaling prompts that cover your childhood, friendships, beliefs and values, your career, coping with grief, fears, forgiveness, your purpose, and much more.


Read more about the book here:


Order your copy here:


All other platforms:

WANT TO WRITE? If writing a novel or a short story is on your list of things to do in 2021, don’t miss my fun and friendly guide to writing fiction, You Can Write—Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction.

Have you always wanted to write? Are you looking for an extra boost of motivation? Do you have a great story idea, but don’t know how to develop it? If you’ve always dreamed of writing and getting published, but have no idea where or how to start—THIS is the book for you!

Each easy-to-read chapter:

* Is based on my experience as a writer, advice I’ve received over the years, and the technical “know-how” I’ve gained in writing classes and workshops.

* Gives you practical advice on how to create a story, step-by-step: from getting a great idea to meeting your characters, developing a plot, and on to writing, revising, and submitting your work.

* Contains helpful tips all writers can use, PLUS fun writing exercises to get you motivated!

Ready to write? Order your copy here:


All other platforms:

Read reviews here:



I was blogging like mad in 2020. I shared “inside looks” at the making of my romances, did a two-part FAQ blog series, talked about my horror stories, shared some recipes, and more. Need to catch up? Read all of my blogs here:

I hope you enjoyed this winter edition of the Quill. What’s coming up in 2021? I’m working on two new romances and I’ll be writing a comprehensive blog series about my romance novels. If that isn’t enough, I’m also toying with ideas for more horror fiction. Read this blog to learn about more changes:

Before I sign off, I want to give a big Thank You to everyone who ordered my books, visited my blog, followed my social media pages, and supported my writing in 2020. Thanks!

Stay warm this winter!

Happy Reading & Writing,

Kelli A. Wilkins