Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Summer Romance Rewind… Trust with Hearts


Happy Summer everyone!

To celebrate the season, I’m sharing a look at my hot summer romance, Trust with Hearts.

Trust with Hearts is an example of how a story idea can come to an author anytime, anywhere. One night I was waiting for a concert to start and a premise for a romance popped into my head: A woman falls in love with her cousin’s best friend, but doesn’t realize he’s a famous country singer.

I knew I had to write it down, but the only paper I had was the envelope the concert tickets came in. (Yes, this was years ago!) I scribbled a brief outline and a character list before the concert started. And that’s how Trust with Hearts was born—but not right away.

I was in the middle of revising another romance at the time, so I took a few hours and wrote a detailed outline, snippets of dialogue, and character information about Trust with Hearts, then set it aside. About a year later, I pulled out my notes and started writing. The idea was still fresh in my head, and the book practically wrote itself. (I always advise writers to take down ideas as they appear—otherwise they might fade into oblivion.)

Trust with Hearts was an interesting book to write. The heroine, Sherrie, has left a bad relationship, and on the spur of the moment, goes to West Virginia and moves in with her cousin Dave. Unknown to her, Dave already has a houseguest—his friend Curtis. Curtis is a country boy and Sherrie is all city.

I enjoyed playing off their differences and had fun inventing vexing situations for them to get on each other’s nerves. And boy, do they! Right on page 1, Curtis and Sherrie start an on/off love/hate relationship—and soon realize there’s more to their teasing and feuding. Before long, they discover they have a lot in common, and begin a steamy summer romance.

Some of my favorite scenes are when Curtis climbs a tree to rescue a kitten, when Curtis and Sherrie realize they like each other, and the big bombshell scene when Sherrie learns Curtis’s secret. I also liked writing the scenes where Dave plays matchmaker and counselor to each of them. In his own way, he brought this unlikely couple together. 

But you can’t have a good romance without drama, and the book is filled with it. Sherrie confronts her abusive ex-boyfriend, reexamines her life, and finds her purpose. Curtis is healing his wounded heart, dealing with a major family crisis, and going out of his way to keep a huge secret from Sherrie. Throughout the book Cutis and Sherrie face their pasts, work on their personal issues, and learn to love and trust again.

Trust with Hearts is not just a romance, it’s also a summer romance, so when I was writing the book I made sure to include specific details to bring out the “summer romance” theme: hot, sticky, sweaty days and nights, cool iced tea, gardening, and even heat stroke. The details pull the reader into the story and into Curtis and Sherrie’s world. And since Curtis is an expert in country music, I worked those details into the plot and even had Curtis give Sherrie a very erotic guitar lesson!

Trust with Hearts is a summer romance with interesting characters, an unusual storyline, and plenty of sizzling love scenes. It will make you laugh, cry, and root for love. I hope you’ll add it to your summer reading list.

Here’s the book summary and links:



After a bitter breakup, Sherrie Parker seeks refuge at her cousin Dave’s house in rural West Virginia. Early one morning, she runs into Dave’s other houseguest, a singer named Curtis Taylor. The last thing Sherrie wants is to share living quarters with a country music crooner – even if he is sexy, in a cowboy sort of way.

Thrown together by circumstances, Sherrie and Curtis get off to a rocky start, but soon discover they have more in common than they ever imagined. Unable to fight their growing attraction, they give in to their desires and start a sizzling summer romance.

Everything is perfect between them until Sherrie discovers Curtis is keeping secrets from her – and his biggest secret of all will change everything. Can their newfound love survive, or will destiny keep them apart forever?

Order Trust with Hearts here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074422FHY

All other platforms: https://books2read.com/u/mgrK7R

Read reviews here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/trust-with-hearts

I created a Facebook page for my contemporary romances. Visit it here:


I hope you enjoyed this blog. I welcome questions and comments from readers and other authors. Contact me via the form on my site or on social media.

Happy Summer!

Kelli A. Wilkins



Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories.

Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets, in April 2024. This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

She published The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in 2023.

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKelliWilkins and visit her website/blog www.KelliWilkins.com for a full title list and social media links.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Meet the Character Day: Chatting with Eric Warren from A Thousand Summer Secrets


This “Meet the Character Day” blog is part of a series examining my romance novels. In each “Behind the Scenes” blog, I talk about why I wrote the book, share my thoughts on the plot and/or characters, and reveal what I loved most (or least) about writing the book.

The “Meet the Character Day” blogs are fun chats with the heroes and heroines from my romances. Warning: blogs may contain spoilers.


Today we’re chatting with Eric Warren, the main character from my new romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets. Let’s get to know him better…

Q: Greetings, Eric. Before we get started, could you tell readers about the book?

Sure, I’m glad to. A Thousand Summer Secrets is a contemporary romance that takes place in an Upstate New York cabin over a Fourth of July weekend. It has a little bit of everything: family drama, humor, sadness, introspection and of course, secrets.

Here’s the summary and links…

A Thousand Summer Secrets

You can’t outrun your past…

Ten years after being disowned by his family for being gay, Eric Warren pays a visit to his family’s summer cabin. It’s his last attempt at reconciliation before moving on. But a surprise from the past is waiting for him.

Eric’s intolerant brother, Jamey, has several friends staying at the cabin for the weekend, including Matt, Eric’s boyhood friend and secret crush. The years haven’t faded their mutual attraction, and they quickly reconnect. But Eric is hesitant to get romantically involved. He’s emotionally broken and scarred from his traumatic past.

As Matt tries to help Eric, Jamey goes out of his way to sabotage his brother. And when the weekend events take a disastrous turn, Eric finds himself at a crossroads.

Should he follow his search for love and acceptance with Matt? Or leave the past behind forever?

Order your copy here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Summer-Secrets-Contemporary-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CZYYP5HC

All Other Platforms: https://books2read.com/u/3nMKA8


Q: Tell us about yourself. How does the story begin for you?

When the book opens, I’m at the cabin in rural Upstate New York. Each year the family would go to the cabin to celebrate the Fourth of July, so I decided to surprise them with a visit. Well, I got the surprise. My brother, his friend Dave, and their girlfriends showed up at the cabin, along with Matt, a friend I hadn’t seen in ten years.

My brother and Dave immediately got aggressive toward me and I started to worry that I’d made a big mistake by coming to the cabin. But Matt stood up for me. We went for a walk and I talked to him about my past and my problems, and he made me feel a lot better.

I realized that even though this visit wasn’t going to be easy (or ideal) it was something I had to go through if I wanted closure and to come to terms with my family and my past.

Q: Before the story began, you had a rough life Care to share what happened with readers?

Yes and no. Yes, because readers will be interested, but no, because I’ve finally moved on and put it all behind me.

Basically I was in a terrible car accident and a family member died. My parents blamed me for the accident. Then things got worse when they found out I was gay. They didn’t want to deal with me or listen to reason, so they kicked me out of the house.

I was given fifteen minutes to get my stuff and get out—forever. I was only 20 years old, scared, hurt, and confused. I tried to talk to my parents but they wanted nothing to do with me.

I drove out to California and fell on some really hard times. I developed a severe drinking problem and got myself into several bad relationships. After hitting rock bottom, I finally joined AA and got sober.

As part of my recovery I wanted to see if I could reestablish a relationship with my family and make peace. So I flew back to New York and made my way to the cabin. That’s where the story begins.

Q: Wow! That’s a lot. Speaking of family, your brother Jamey is the antagonist (along with his friend Dave). Can you tell us about them?

Sure. My brother is the product of the intolerant, violent household we grew up in. I say several times in the story that Jamey has turned into my father, and he acts just like him. Dave is another jerk who’s anti-gay and not afraid to be verbally abusive.

I have to deal with their bad behavior over the course of the weekend. They go out of their way to make my life hell. At one point in the story I sit down with Jamey and we talk things out and start to get along. I don’t want to give away any of the plot, but the peace is short-lived.

Q: It’s a good thing Matt is there for you. How did it feel to see him after ten years?

I never expected to see Matt again, ever. When I closed the door on my old life, I put him and everyone else out of my mind. I had to focus on surviving alone in the world.

Seeing matt was a surprise, but a pleasant surprise. I was given a chance to make things right between us, explain why I vanished, and tell him what happened to me over the years.

Matt was thrilled to see me, and we quickly resumed our friendship. I was stunned, but thrilled, to learn that Matt always had a crush on me… and still does!

We spent the weekend talking and reconnecting, and decided to take this budding romance slow. Neither of us wanted to rush into anything. But we do find ways to share some tender moments in the story.

Matt’s a great listener, very compassionate and fun to be around, but he doesn’t let me get away with any crap! (Laughs) That’s why I’m crazy about him. He’s helped me turn my life around, and I can never thank him enough.

Q: The title of the book is A Thousand Summer Secrets; I suppose there are lots of secrets in this book?

Oh yes! Everyone is keeping secrets—from themselves and from the other characters in the story. Everything isn’t what it seems on the surface, and everyone has something they’re holding back for a variety of reasons. I can’t give away any of the secrets, but Kelli keeps them coming right up til the end of the story.

All the family and relationship drama is packed into a long weekend, so things get pretty intense. But it’s not all feuds and fighting, there are tender moments, funny scenes, a bit of sadness, emotional upheaval, introspection, and danger. I hope readers enjoy the book.

Q: Sounds intriguing! Anything else you want to add?

This is Kelli’s fourth gay romance. The other three are: Four Days with Jack, A Secret Match, and Killer in Wolf’s Clothing. They all sound interesting and have spicy love scenes, so I can’t wait to check them out.

In case readers are wondering, Kelli’s romances span all genres (contemporary, historical/fantasy, gay, paranormal) and range from mild to super-hot. She would like me to encourage everyone to read more about them on her site: www.KelliWilkins.com and mention that she’s also published mysteries, thrillers, and horror stories. Her site also has a contact form and links to her social media.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with everyone. This was fun. If readers missed any blog in this series, they can catch up here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/blog


Best wishes,

Eric Warren




Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories.

Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets, in April 2024. This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

She published The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in 2023.

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKelliWilkins and visit her website/blog www.KelliWilkins.com for a full title list and social media links.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Behind the Scenes: A Thousand Summer Secrets (A Gay Contemporary Romance)

This “Behind the Scenes” blog is part of a series examining my romance novels. In each blog, I’ll talk about why I wrote the book, share my thoughts on the plot and/or characters, and sometimes reveal what I loved most (or least) about writing the book. Warning: Blogs may contain spoilers.

If you missed any blog in this series, you can catch up here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/blog

Hi everyone,

Today I’m sharing a Behind the Scenes look at the making of my fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets. I’ll talk about the characters, their troubled relationships, the origin of the story, and the title. Let’s get started with the book blurb:


A Thousand Summer Secrets

You can’t outrun your past…

Ten years after being disowned by his family for being gay, Eric Warren pays a visit to his family’s summer cabin. It’s his last attempt at reconciliation before moving on. But a surprise from the past is waiting for him.

Eric’s intolerant brother, Jamey, has several friends staying at the cabin for the weekend, including Matt, Eric’s boyhood friend and secret crush. The years haven’t faded their mutual attraction, and they quickly reconnect. But Eric is hesitant to get romantically involved. He’s emotionally broken and scarred from his traumatic past.

As Matt tries to help Eric, Jamey goes out of his way to sabotage his brother. And when the weekend events take a disastrous turn, Eric finds himself at a crossroads.

Should he follow his search for love and acceptance with Matt? Or leave the past behind forever?

Order your copy here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Summer-Secrets-Contemporary-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CZYYP5HC

All Other Platforms: https://books2read.com/u/3nMKA8


Before I talk about the characters, let’s talk about the title. Yes, as you may have guessed, this book is filled with secrets (and lies). Are there “a thousand” secrets? I’m not sure, but I do know the characters are keeping secrets from each other and themselves. Everything isn’t exactly what it seems, and there’s plenty of family and relationship drama to fill a weekend.

As for the title itself… Occasionally I have trouble coming up with titles, but not this time. Many years ago I was mindlessly fooling around with those magnetic squares of different words and strung together “thousand summer secrets”. I thought it would make a good title, so I wrote it down.

Originally I thought I’d use the title for a story about two female best friends reconnecting during a week at the beach. That book never materialized. But when I wrote about two male friends reconnecting over a July Fourth weekend, I decided the title fit the story perfectly!

When I wrote the book, I deliberately set the story in a rural cabin during a long weekend. Why? To build drama and tension. Basically, I threw several characters who don’t get along in a small space and forced them to deal with each other, for good or bad. You never know what they’ll do or say next. (If anyone has ever been “stuck” with people you can’t stand for a long weekend, you know what I’m talking about.)

Everyone in this story has flaws they’re working through (or should be!). Jamey has anger issues (for starters). His friend Dave is a homophobic jerk. Eric is in AA, harboring a lot of guilt, and has low self-esteem. Matt is the stable one in the group and tries to make peace between everyone. But after a while, he realizes it’s an uphill battle for Eric, and Eric might be better off without his cruel, dysfunctional family.

When I was writing, I wanted the characters (not just Eric) to realize it’s okay to walk away from people and situations that make your life miserable. Just because you’re related to someone (or dating them), it doesn’t give them the right to bully you or treat you like crap. Life is too short to be around uncaring, intolerant people, and it’s within your right to leave them behind, move on, and close the door to them forever.

As Eric tries to come to grips with his past, he needs all the love, support, and help he can get. He was disowned by his parents (literally thrown out of the house forever) when he was 20 years old, and left to fend for himself. Despite his attempts at reconciliation, his family wants nothing to do with him. Why? Because he’s gay.

Unfortunately, this situation is all too common in the LGBTQ+ community. Children and teens are facing bullying, hatred, and worse from their relatives, in their schools, and on social media—all because they don’t “fit in” with the “norm” of society. I based Eric’s backstory on several true stories I heard from gay friends and coworkers. Many times the LGBTQ+ person decides the only way to be happy is to leave their biological family and find a new family in the LGBTQ+ community.

Eric’s rejection by his family wounds him deeply and feeds a lot of his self-esteem issues. Matt’s family supports him, but he’s still not completely comfortable being “out” in public. In the end, they both realize that what other people think doesn’t matter—accept them or not—they’re not going to hide who they are (or who they love) for anyone or any reason.

And that’s how it should be, because love is all that matters.

June is Pride Month. Let’s all celebrate Love this summer.

(In my next blog, I’ll share a character interview with Eric. Don’t miss it!)

Until next time,




Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories.

Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets, in April 2024. This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

She published The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in early 2023.

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKelliWilkins and visit her website www.KelliWilkins.com for a full title list and social media links.



Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Celebrate Pride Month with A Secret Match

Hi everyone,

I’m kicking off Pride Month with a fun character interview with Everett, the hero from my gay romance, A SECRET MATCH.

Q: Greetings, Everett. Before we get started, could you tell our readers about the book?

Absolutely. A Secret Match is a contemporary gay romance set in the world of professional wrestling. The book follows my struggles as I face a crossroads in my personal and professional life. It’s a great blend of drama, humor, action, and hot love scenes.

Q: Tell us about yourself. What got you in the crosshairs for your author?

I’m a professional wrestler. Kelli got the idea for this story while she was writing A Deceptive Match, her straight romance that also takes place in the wrestling world. I was a secondary character in that book. I helped the hero (Vin) and the heroine (Danni) get together. Vin is my best friend, so I acted as a soundboard/matchmaker for him and Danni.

While Kelli was writing A Deceptive Match, she knew I needed my own book, but she wasn’t exactly sure what the storyline would be. Then one day on the way to work, the majority of the plot popped into her head, and she was off and writing. She says I’m one of those characters who try to take over a book. (Laughs) And why not? I’m charming, and witty, and handsome. Who wouldn’t want to read about my life?

A big part of the novel centers around me dealing (or rather, not dealing) with my sexuality and my (un)willingness to be open about who I really am. My longtime partner, Josh, is tired of being kept in my “walk-in closet” and wants me to come out (at least to friends and family) but I’m concerned about losing my job. (Will fans accept a gay wrestler?) Part of me wanted to keep everything just as it was because that’s safe. But another part of me longed to stop pretending and hiding the truth.

Q: Do you sometimes want to strangle Kelli? What sort of upsetting or embarrassing things did Kelli do to you in the book?

At times, yes! The book starts off great, but within the first two scenes, all hell breaks loose. Josh decides to tell me he’s tired of being my little secret, and wants me to come out. That caught me off guard and it was something I was not at all comfortable with. (Kelli’s great at jumping right into conflict!) So, Josh gave me an ultimatum. (Sighs) Things didn’t end well for us, and I was really broken up. Only one person knew about Josh, so I turned to my best friend, Vin, for help and advice.

Over the course of the book I had to come to terms with accepting myself for who I am, what I am, and how I’m perceived by the wrestling fans, my coworkers, and everyone else. Being an openly gay wrestler was something I didn’t sign up for, and Kelli threw me into a lion’s den! I did eventually come out —not once, but twice!—on live TV. That changed everything and took the story in a whole new direction.

Looking back, I realize it was for the best and Kelli knew exactly what she was doing, but at the time, I was physically hurt, emotionally wrecked, confused, and pretty pissed. Vin and Danni helped me through all the turmoil, and Josh stood by me when I needed him most.

Q: What is it about Josh that makes you crazy in a good way?

He likes to drive me nuts on purpose. He enjoys teasing me and pushing my buttons and my boundaries. But it’s always in a positive way, for my own good. He’ll deliberately force me to come out of my shell and open up to new people and new experiences. And I love him dearly for it.

Q: Was there an instant attraction between you?

Yes and no. I met Josh at the gym—but it wasn’t a gym hookup. I noticed him out of the corner of my eye and thought he was cute, but I was so deep in the closet I didn’t dare approach him. Josh asked me for training advice and we got to know each other in a casual way. Then one night he asked me if I wanted to grab a bite to eat, and the rest is… in the book! (Laughs)

Kelli did an excellent job of working my first meeting (and first kiss) with Josh into the book. They are some of the most sensual, tender scenes she’s ever written. I was incredibly nervous and unsure of myself, and Josh was there to put me at ease.

Q: Tell us a little bit about your world. What are your greatest challenges?

I’m on the road wrestling about 300 days a year, so one of my greatest challenges is maintaining my relationship with Josh. We don’t see each other all the time, but we’re constantly talking on the phone and sharing photos. When Josh has time off from work he comes on the road with me and we hang out before my matches. It’s not easy (okay, it’s almost impossible) to have a “normal” home life, but we do the best we can—and we make the most of the time we have together.

Q: Describe yourself in four words.

Sensitive, strong, sexy, wiseass.

Q: Anything else you want to add?

I’m grateful to Kelli for sharing my story with the world. And I’m pleased to help her promote it during Pride month. A Secret Match isn’t just a “wrestling story” or a typical romance loaded with sex scenes, it’s a sensitive, coming out story that resonates with all types of romance readers; straight, gay, or whatever. Anyone who likes a good love story/romance should read the book. And you don’t have to be a wrestling fan to enjoy the book. But you might become one after you read it! (Laughs)

If gay romances aren’t your thing, I urge you to check out the book that introduced me to readers, A Deceptive Match. It’s a great romance and a fun behind-the-scenes look into the world of professional wrestling.

Kelli writes a lot of romances in all genres—historical, paranormal, contemporary, gay, and straight—but they all have two things in common—they’re all unique stories, and they’re anything but boring! I hope you’ll check them out. I plan on reading her other gay romances, A Thousand Summer Secrets, Four Days with Jack, and Killer in Wolf’s Clothing. You can read all about them on her site: www.KelliWilkins.com

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with everyone. Here’s the book summary and links.


Everett Kinkade is a world-famous professional wrestler and the sexy heartthrob of millions of adoring female fans. But Ev has a secret he doesn’t dare share with anyone. He’s gay.

After years of being Ev’s secret lover, Josh is tired of hiding in the shadows and wants Ev to openly acknowledge their relationship. Coming out is the last thing Ev wants and fears it will ruin his career.

One night in a moment of truth, Everett outs himself on live TV. There’s no going back, and his announcement sparks a firestorm of problems—both personally and professionally. He’s forced to come to grips with who he really is while facing down a manipulative boss and a tag-team out to destroy him.

Torn between living a lie and losing the man he loves, Ev has risked everything… can he find a balance between his career and his heart?

Order A Secret Match here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FERW65A

All other platforms: https://books2read.com/u/md6rZb

Read reviews here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/a-secret-match



Monday, May 6, 2024

For Mother's Day - Little Lessons


In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m sharing an essay I wrote several years ago. 

I hope you enjoy it.


“I am your mother, and when I’m gone you’ll never have another.”

I remember my mother telling me that from time to time as I grew up. Maybe she said it because she lost her mother when I was five years old. Maybe she meant it to be a lesson, a precaution, a warning—people are special, unique individuals and should be cherished while they are here.

Most of life’s instructions are reflective. They come unannounced, without a proclamation declaring: “Here’s an important teaching!” They sneak up on you when you’re being, living, doing. How much easier would life be if we were told in advance, “Hey, pay attention to this and write it down. Don’t miss it, because it’s going to be crucial one day.” But that’s not how it works. Life has a way of happening to you before you realize it.

My mother is still teaching me, although now that we are both older, the topics have changed, and the subjects seem more serious. Now we discuss life, death, dealing with difficult people, what to do about a job you don’t like, or how to be happy.

She may not have all the answers, but she has sound advice and an opinion I value greatly. Somehow, mothers always know. I once told a friend that mothers must automatically be given all the information and wisdom they will need to impart on their child. She agreed. Is this a maternal instinct or merely the passing down of knowledge from generation to generation?

I learned many things from my easy-going mother, mostly from her sharing her life with me. There were no sit-down talks on how to live life or how to grow up to be a good person. No lectures or “I expect you to…” speeches.

There were no great tragedies or hardships in my life while growing up. We had plenty of food and a nice house in rural upstate New York. Everything wasn’t always roses and sunshine, but we were content. Maybe that’s why the values I learned and the lessons I was taught were simple. Don’t lie. Be nice. Take in abandoned animals. Act responsibly.

Perhaps the main thing my mother taught me was to be my own person, to develop my own sense of identity. Why do what everyone else does? “If they don’t like it, frig them!” she’d say. She still has that independent attitude.

My mother encouraged me to pursue my own hobbies and became interested in them without judgment. She went to concerts with me when I had no one else to go with. We listened to music together. She played her Roy Orbison and Jackie Wilson albums and told me stories about being raised in New Jersey. We were never bored and always had interesting diversions.

Growing up I’d often hear, “Let’s go have an adventure.” We’d soon be on our way to an indoor flea market, to visit one of her friends, or to shop at the record store forty minutes away in Albany.

Her parenting style was more liberal and hands-off than that of most other mothers. I was shocked to learn that many girls in my high school fought with, hated, and in some cases, never conversed with their mothers. To them, a mother was an authority figure, a demanding and restrictive parent. To me, “mother” meant friend and confidant, someone who loved and trusted me. Looking back now, I realize that I mostly kept out of trouble to spare her disappointment rather than because I feared her punishment.

I learned little things just by observing her in the kitchen or listening to her tell a story. Almost anything can be baked at 350 degrees in the oven; when making stuffed cabbage you have to roll them tight; and tar comes off your car windows with Coke.

Many teachings were more substantial. After supper on spring and summer evenings she’d say, “Let’s go outside and putter.” In our language, this translated into gardening.

Whenever we could, we’d go outside, sit on the front lawn and putter in the numerous flowerbeds. We’d plant petunias, move tulip bulbs, check on the impatients in the flowerbox, weed, and water. She taught me everything about gardening, explained the difference between annuals and perennials, and showed me which green thing was the weed and which one was the flower.

During these times we’d discuss life, relatives, school, her job, why people are the way they are, or whatever else came to mind. Again, I wish I’d had the foresight to write it all down and memorize every word, for I’m sure I missed a few lessons.

All of her knowledge and wisdom has been carried over into my gardens, my flowerbeds. Even to this day, there are times when I point to something growing and ask, “Is that a weed?” and she has the answer. Other people don’t know how to plant, grow, or enrich, but to me, it’s second nature.

Looking back, it seems that my mother was cultivating more than flowers in the garden.


In loving memory of my mother, who’s been gone for 6 years.



Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 6 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories.

Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets, in April 2024. This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

She published The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in early 2023.

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKelliWilkins and visit her website/blog www.KelliWilkins.com for a full title list and social media links.




Thursday, April 25, 2024

Kelli's Quill Newsletter - Spring 2024 Issue


Welcome to the Spring 2024 Issue of the Quill!


I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather! In my last issue, I mentioned I was working on two new romances and one would be released in early 2024... and it was.

This issue features info on A Thousand Summer Secrets, and flashes back to my two most-recent novels, The Route 9 Killer (a mystery/thriller) and In Another World (a paranormal mystery/romance), plus info on my blog posts, and more on my works in progress.


In April 2024, Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets.

This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

A Thousand Summer Secrets

You can’t outrun your past…

Ten years after being disowned by his family for being gay, Eric Warren pays a visit to his family’s summer cabin. It’s his last attempt at reconciliation before moving on. But a surprise from the past is waiting for him.

 Eric’s intolerant brother, Jamey, has several friends staying at the cabin for the weekend, including Matt, Eric’s boyhood friend and secret crush. The years haven’t faded their mutual attraction, and they quickly reconnect. But Eric is hesitant to get romantically involved. He’s emotionally broken and scarred from his traumatic past.

As Matt tries to help Eric, Jamey goes out of his way to sabotage his brother. And when the weekend events take a disastrous turn, Eric finds himself at a crossroads.

Should he follow his search for love and acceptance with Matt? Or leave the past behind forever?

Order your copy here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Summer-Secrets-Contemporary-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CZYYP5HC

All Other Platforms:  https://books2read.com/u/3nMKA8

   Can you solve the mystery of The Route 9 Killer?

Kelli's mystery/thriller, The Route 9 Killer was released in 2023 and received several great reviews. (Read them below.)

The Route 9 Killer

(A Mystery/Thriller)

 Detective Jim Rourke suspects a serial killer is hunting women in Central New Jersey. The victims are held captive, brutalized, then murdered and dumped along deserted stretches of Route 9.

There’s no physical evidence, no witnesses, and the killer is smart enough to leave no clues. Rourke is alone on a manhunt, and time is running out. Eight victims have already fallen prey to this madman.

Can Rourke catch the killer and rescue the next victim before it’s too late?

Order your copy here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Route-Killer-Mystery-Thriller-ebook/dp/B0C63NHC51

All other platforms: https://books2read.com/u/m2qd16

Readers Say…

“5 Stars! From the opening pages this is a gripping read that just doesn’t let up. Wilkins cleverly builds the tension throughout the story leading to a bite-your-nails climax. The book is dark at times, but excellently written and not too graphic. It alternates between the POV of the abductee, the detective, and the killer, and the author did a great job of giving each of them their own voice. I was on the edge of my seat towards the end and anyone who enjoys thrillers will appreciate the twists the author incorporated into the story.” - NurseyByNature - Vibe Reviewer

"5 Stars! If you like mystery/thrillers, don't miss this book. The story drew me in from the first page, and kept me hooked til the very end. Kelli A. Wilkins did a great job creating tension and building suspense, and there are lots of interesting characters and plot twists. Just when I thought I had figured out the mystery, I was surprised by the ending. Although this is about a serial killer, it's not graphic or overly violent. I like Kelli's romances, but I really enjoy her mysteries and horror stories. This is a definite must-read." - M. Nemcick - Amazon Reader

“5 Stars! Awesome read. I was totally glued to the story until the very end. Great job!” - Natalie C. - Amazon Reader

And if you like paranormal romances don’t miss… In Another World

This contemporary romance novel blends a murder mystery with the world of the paranormal. It’s received several excellent reviews!

In Another World

(A Paranormal Mystery/Romance)

Disgraced psychic medium Julie Kershaw has finally met her soul mate. The problem is he’s dead… and his spirit haunts the car she just bought.

The spirit of Detective Eddie Mahoney is determined to find his killer and needs Julie’s help. At first, she refuses. She’s tired of being called crazy and swore she’d never use her abilities to speak to the dead again—even if Eddie is handsome and charming.

Eddie persuades Julie to contact his former partner, Lou Kaplonski, to ask him to reopen his case. Skeptical, Lou dismisses Julie as a fake—until she proves she can communicate with the dead—and he finds out Eddie has a lot to say.

Julie channels Eddie’s spirit and together with Lou, the unusual trio tracks down leads and follows clues to solve Eddie’s murder. The case takes them down a dark and dangerous path filled with secrets, where nobody can be trusted.

As they work to find his killer, Julie falls for Eddie. Funny, smart, and sexy, Eddie is the guy of her dreams—and he doesn’t look or act the least bit dead. To her surprise, Eddie discovers a clever way they can be together, and they begin an ethereal romance.

When Lou’s investigation brings him too close to the killer, his life and Julie’s are put in danger—and Eddie may be the only one who can save them.

Order your copy here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R11STRN

All other platforms: https://books2read.com/u/bpw16g

Read reviews here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/in-another-world

What's on the horizon?

So, you might be wondering what else I've been working on...

I've been posting non-writing blogs here: https://findingthewritewords.blogspot.com/

I've blogged about setting goals and getting motivated, and most recently posted a two-part blog about how to have a great garage sale. (It's the season, after all.)

I finally finished the first draft of my historical/fantasy adventure novel, and I'm working on a collection of short speculative fiction.

There's also another mystery/thriller in the works... and it might feature the same detective from The Route 9 Killer.

Stay tuned to my blogs and social media for updates as they become available.

I hope you enjoyed this issue of the Quill. I welcome questions and comments from readers and authors. Links to my social media pages can be found here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/contact

Visit my site for a full title list: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/

Happy Spring everyone!

Until next time,



Sunday, April 7, 2024

Just Released! A Thousand Summer Secrets


Hi everyone!

I’m pleased to announce the release of my fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets.

This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance. 

I hope you’ll check it out, and if you like it, you’ll post a review.

Stay tuned to this blog for an upcoming “behind the scenes” look at the making of the book.

Here’s the book summary and links:

A Thousand Summer Secrets

You can’t outrun your past…

Ten years after being disowned by his family for being gay, Eric Warren pays a  visit to his family’s summer cabin. It’s his last attempt at reconciliation before moving on. But a surprise from the past is waiting for him.

Eric’s intolerant brother, Jamey, has several friends staying at the cabin for the weekend, including Matt, Eric’s boyhood friend and secret crush. The years haven’t faded their mutual attraction, and they quickly reconnect. But Eric is hesitant to get romantically involved. He’s emotionally broken and scarred from his traumatic past.

As Matt tries to help Eric, Jamey goes out of his way to sabotage his brother. And when the weekend events take a disastrous turn, Eric finds himself at a crossroads.

Should he follow his search for love and acceptance with Matt? Or leave the past behind forever?

Order your copy here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Summer-Secrets-Contemporary-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CZYYP5HC

All Other Platforms: https://books2read.com/u/3nMKA8

Happy Reading,
